Quickly making large DAGs with DAGitty

The software DAGitty is really useful for representing causal diagrams and has wonderful documentation. It also comes with a really handy R package accessible through CRAN which can be used to query the DAG for causal effect identification, such as d-separation of variables.

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GMT file import in R

As outlined in the GSEA wiki, GMT files store functional pathway information for genes. However, as the figure there makes clear, each line uses tabs as separators and there may be a different number of genes per line.

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R Markdown files

R Markdown files are a cross between markdown and R files since they can load and run chunks of code alongside markdown-formatted text.

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Moving between species in R

It’s often useful to compare data against a published dataset from another species. These are the most common tasks I complete for this purpose (and the corresponding libraries in R). Unfortunately converting between species always seems to introduce missing identifiers and so I have tried to choose the method which avoids this as much as possible.

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Moving to the US from Canada as a graduate student

I am a Canadian citizen and moved to the US with F1 status when I started my degree. I couldn’t find that many accounts of how to do this online at the time of writing, so I’ve written up some observations I made (primarily about financial considerations).

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